Issue #64 - Custom GPTs for all

June 1, 2024
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In This Issue

  • What Caught My Attention This Week
    • The New York Times is insinuating that AI could take top management jobs. Just like we said one year ago.
    • 7,000+ IIT students yet to get placements this year.
    • Elon Musk predicts jobs will become like a hobby.
    • OpenAI continues to ink partnerships with the media industry.
  • A Chart to Look Smart
    • Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ) and the University of Oxford: almost nobody is using generative AI on a daily basis.
    • McKinsey: generative AI is spreading in 72% of the organizations we surveyed.
  • The Tools of the Trade
    • Custom GPTs can be used by everyone now. Here are ours.
  • The Way We Work Now
    • Three researchers claim that GPT-4 can analyze financial statements and predict earnings better than humans.

What Caught My Attention This Week

The New York Times is insinuating that AI could take top management jobs. Just like we said one year ago.

David Streitfeld, reporting for the New York Times:

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