Issue #19 - How to turn Visual Studio Code into the ultimate writing tool for people that don't write a single line of code

July 2, 2023
Splendid Edition
In This Issue

  • A very long explanation of what extensions, features, and configurations I used to transform a tool for software developers, Visual Studio Code, into the ultimate tool for writing long-form English content pieces like the Synthetic Work newsletter.

This week, we do something a little bit different, dedicating the entire issue to a single section, The Tools of the Trade, to do something way geekier than usual for Synthetic Work.

We’ll turn an app designed for software developers, Visual Studio Code, into the ultimate writing tool for people that don’t write a single line of code.

Whatever is your line of business, especially if you are not a technical person, this issue is for you.

But even if you are a technical person and you already use Visual Studio Code every day, you might find interesting information here as I talk about Copilot competitors and test the newest version of Cody by Sourcegraph.


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